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Infusion Center

It is the announcement of our infusion center.

Jessica Eldridge, RN will be the Infusion Center manager. The Infusion Center grand opening is December 18th. Jessica as well as Mississippi County Hospital System is very excited to offer this service line to our community. The Infusion Center will be another way to meet our community's needs. We encourage everyone to stop by and tour the center. The Infusion Center will have a very unique experience to the patients. The patients will be allowed to utilize any three of the themed treatment rooms. MCHS understands the length infusions take, and we want our patients comfortable with options. One room is outfitted as the Infusion Library. The library boast of three "cat-napper" chairs, reading novels, puzzles, games, cards, and two tablets to provide entertainment to our patients. The next room is outfitted with three wall hugging recliners and a large TV with movie capabilities. In the media room, we want our patients to sit back, relax and enjoy a movie of their choice. The final patient treatment room is the sleep room. We have one bed set up for our patients to catch a nap, or for those who want to meditate in solitude. Jessica will bring a new level of care to the Infusion Center. Her compassion is nursing and she is all heart. The Infusion Center contact number is 870-838-7485.